Annelise Faith

Monday, December 28, 2020
12/27 Christmas photos
Thursday, December 17, 2020
18 months!
We aren't sleeping very well, but there are lots of smiles when she is awake, and for that we are soooo thankful!🥰
Kevin made her a cake!
And she is wearing her new purple DAFO shoes (dynamic ankle foot orthosis.... her foot braces 😁)
Freedom from the bar and brace shoes that she had to wear all the time after her feet were casted and the club foot was corrected. Now she just wears the shoes with the bar in between at night.
Yaaaaay 1 and a half!
Friday, December 11, 2020
We have a growth spurt going on. Crazy sleep and noticeable changes! Listen to this baby who can't hear tell you about it!😍
Hearing aid in light pink coming later this month. Praying God hooks up the hearing, excited to see where He takes us regardless!
Looking at where He has brought her, and us as her parents, already is incredible. Feeling incredibly thankful in the midst of this crazy year!❤
Some videos:
Thursday, December 3, 2020
We had some success with Christmas decorating this weekend. Kevin got the lights up on the house! ❤ Maybe tonight we will remember to turn them on!💡
Here are some of the cutest moments to share with you! I spared you any pics of the other parts of our week where Annelise is gagging on the drool created by the TWO top teeth that are coming in! She will have 4 front top teeth soon! She has 3 front bottom ones for now.
We've had some tummy upset this week....also not pictured because we'd rather not spend time remembering those moments!
We get through it and have hope that the comfort and smiles will come again, and so much joy when they do!
Our goal is Christmas decorating this weekend🤞we were in the hospital last year for Christmas, so decorating and being at home is so meaningful and awesome!!🎄
Friday, November 13, 2020
🥰17 months old today!🥰
I had a lot of fun dressing her up in a specially gifted outfit that she grew into awhile ago... but it wasn't cold enough to wear until now! Perfect timing for the big 17😁😍🥳
Annelise video - playing with blocks
Monday, November 9, 2020
Remember when we were so excited for Annelise to be 5lbs? We weighed her tonight, and she is officially up to 15lbs! The cold weather that finally showed up in SoCal showed us just how much she has grown since the last time it was cool enough for long sleeves and pants. We had to get new clothes! She's in 9-12months now🥳
The video is Annelise and two of her favorite things to play with. Check out how she is grabbing and holding now, where she used to just swat at the toys before🤩 The only problem is when she really swings that toy with the dangling colorful things... sometimes it comes back to whack her in the face! She's not a fan of that as you can imagine... haven't gotten that on video yet😊
Thankful to God for these days with our 15lb girl! 🥰 He is so good!
Saturday, October 31, 2020
3/31/2020 Happy Halloween!
Here's a little collection of Annelise photos of the week. 🥰
We finally went to see the plastic surgeon about her cleft lip and palate repair plan.
It's so exciting to be talking about the thing that was put off for so long in order to focus on the high priority health issues first. The surgeon remembered us from our initial visit in the PICU when we came home from Nebraska, and was pleased to see Annelise doing so well!
We came out of the visit with a plan to repair at least her lip....someday. Heading into flu season whilst this pandemic is going on, is not the best time for an elective surgery!
After we get set up with a Speech-Language Pathologist, we can talk and have them assess more to determine if or when closing the palate will be helpful.
That gives me plenty of time to research/ get even more opinions from friends who have children who have gone through the surgeries... and most importantly, enjoy her sweet and unique clefty smile!
I am in awe of her disposition really. She loves to smile so much! She makes our days overflow with gratitude that she's here at home with us!🥰🥰🥰 The thing that takes away her joy throughout the day is the trouble with 💩💩💩. With her low muscle tone.... if it's not one thing, it seems to be another issue. There are a lot of crazy expressions that we get on camera because of gas bubbles😆
Her smiles are my favorite!