Annelise Faith

Annelise Faith

Friday, February 11, 2022


 ❤Our little valentine is 32-months-old!❤ 

We have about 3 more weeks of her casts and I will be so happy to be all done with casts soon!

Her current favorite things in life are to sleep during the day and party at night, work on her clapping skills, and chomp on the little sucker that is attached to her suction machine.  She can almost be trusted to manipulate it safely, but we are still right there in case she tries to poke her eye out. She's a toddler, after all 😊

This month we made some changes to her daily routine for her airway, moving toward the goal of spending most of the day not attached to her heated  humidification device.  I'll explain it better later, when she stops being so into overnight parties😴☺