Annelise Faith

Annelise Faith

Monday, October 17, 2022


 Around this time is when we bring out the pumpkin pants and cuddle up with the Nebraska pillow that we bought in the hospital gift shop. 🥰

We got here one day at a time from those days of wires and lines and tubes and sensors. By God's grace, we will praise Him for all of our days!  Look what He has done here🎉

Wednesday, October 5, 2022


 Yesterday was the 3rd anniversary of Annelise coming home from the hospital for the very first time!🥰 

Here are some quotes from my past posts on this day:

10/2019 - Thank you Jesus, Amen. 

10/2020 - "Tired and exhausted and ecstatic for each day we wake up to this sweet face.  Thankful for the never ending love of our God, and for the encouragement from our people in all our hospital and home adventures." 

10/2021 "There aren't words to truly describe how I feel being her mom, so I'll use terrible grammar to make my point... being her mom is the most hardest.... and at the exact same time, the most best incredible ever thing in the world times ten.  It isn't like some days are hard and other days are wonderful. The feelings go together, all the time."

I see Annelise all day, everyday... so her gradual growth sneaks up on me until my jaw drops at seeing the ways she has grown since that first year!  🥰

I'm so proud of her.  God is so good.