Annelise Faith

Annelise Faith

Saturday, May 29, 2021


 We got out for a double appointment day today.  ENT and Pulmonologist.  Both were routine, in-person appointments.  She has had telehealth with ENT for the past year, so they wanted to see her.  We saw the Pulmonologist in person last time too, but I'm happy to go in so the Pulmonologist can listen to her lungs, especially since her last ultrasound showed that she still has a small pleural effusion on her right lung.  It hasn't grown at all, and her lungs sound "fantastic" according to the Pulmonologist,  so we are thankful for that! They don't want to aggressively investigate the pleural effusion since it isn't bothering her breathing ability.

Another thing we are thankful for is our new-to-us fancy stroller!  We were blessed by friends who have a growing, thriving girl who outgrew it! It has a ton of space for all the things we need to bring with us, and Annelise can sit and face us, instead of being in her carseat, which isn't her favorite for walks.  It was so nice to get out and walk around like Kevin and I used to do before we had Annelise.  Now that it is easier and more enjoyable, I see us doing it more often!

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


 She is looking so big to me!❤

We had a way too exciting morning when, for the first time, I was investigating the strange noise Annelise was making, and found her trach was still attached to the velcro ties that go around her neck... but the trach was out of her body! I've never seen Kevin move as fast as he did this morning!  It all worked out and she was even smiling at all the movement that was happening🤦‍♀️. She held her oxygen saturation level at 99 until we got her breathing through her trach again🎉  Praise the Lord that she was able to do that!!  I think it is safe to say that we are now motivated to be extra vigilant when checking the tightness of the ties that hold her trach in place.  I know I checked on it about 5,899,216 times today👀

Friday, May 14, 2021


Look who is standing with support!

She seemed to enjoy it!  The tech was the first person to be in our home besides our family in about a year!  You could tell that she knew he was new.  She kept following him with her eyes :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2021


 Annelise read our Star Wars book with her daddy for May the 4th today!  

I put her in her Yoda shirt a few days ago... so it's still in the laundry😆 here is a photo from that day🥰