Annelise Faith

Annelise Faith

Thursday, July 29, 2021


 This happy baby has a very supportive GI specialist, and we are excited for our Zoom appointment tomorrow so we can tell her about our tiny growth spurt over here!  Truly, no matter how tiny the growth for Annelise, it's always going to be a big deal! #️⃣πŸ‘Š#️⃣πŸ‹️‍♀️⚖πŸ™Œ

Our 2-year-old now weighs 19.4lbs, and is 30.7 inches tall!  Glory to God! 

It was also her trachiversary on the 26th.  Two years of a stable secure airway.... although Annelise gave us a celebration decannulation early in the morning.  We got her new trach back in and she promptly fell asleep in her crib as if no shenanigans had happened.🀦‍♀️😳 how far we have come in 2 years!!πŸ‘€πŸŽ‰

Monday, July 26, 2021


 We got a new toy today😁  Annelise didn't have anything that she could spin in, since she doesn't sit up on her own, so with the help of a comfy blanket, it's a success!