Annelise Faith

Annelise Faith

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

1/18/22 Surgery day

 We are hoooome!  Thank the Lord for his many blessings today❤

3:30 We are done and she is waking up!  It looks like she will be ok to go home tonight!  Praise the Lord!  I feel so beyond blessed to have these days.  She is still in and out of sleep now.  She wakes up, plays with wires, then goes back to sleep😄 Typical Annelise

9:13am: I already have an update!

The Pulmonologist came to report on their scope, and said that the IV went in quickly! Hallelujah! 

Annelise's lungs look good and are clear. They took some samples to send off to make sure nothing surprising is growing in there.

While I was writing this update, ENT came out to tell me about the 3.5 upsize, confirmed that her airway is still super crowded with her small jaw, so getting the trach removed wouldn't be safe at this time, but if she grows a lot, maybe. So time will tell if getting the trach out is part of God's plan for her.  She didn't get ear tubes again this time because those little ear canals are still so tiny.  That's also a possibility in the future.  We are so happy that she hasn't had ear infections, we are still hoping that tubes in the future could elevate her hearing level a bit.

Now it's time for our Ortho to do the big job.  About 90 minutes for each foot.  I was given a choice of cast colors. She will have casts again for about 6 weeks.

They just brought her to the OR!

Pre-op talk was long, since there are 3 doctors involved, but she was so happy and looked intently as all the doctors spoke about their plans for the day.

I'm sitting in the waiting area praying for a successful placement of an iv, one of the hardest things for Annelise with her teeny tiny veins.  I'm so impressed that the word had been passed about her being a "hard stick" that the anesthesiologist brought it up before I even  said anything.  Feeling like they know what's going on with my baby makes it a tiny bit easier to watch them wheel her back.  A tiny bit.  Kevin is praying too, but we decided not to both come in to the waiting area.  Just in case any germs are around, we will all share germs as a family living in the same house, but not being exposed at the same time might make it easier to care for Annelise if we have the worst days at different times.  Hoping we all stay healthy of course!

Thank you for praying with us for a great day at work for all of her providers!  We have so much praise for our good God who loves Annelise so much! Us too!🥰

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