Annelise Faith

Annelise Faith

Saturday, November 23, 2019

11/23 Thankful for my photogenic baby!

Had a thankful photo shoot today, because we are oh so thankful for the amazing, incredible, beyond brilliant surgeons, doctors, nurses, RT's, social workers, all the specialists that I'm realizing is a long list of awesome people.... ALL the folks with big and small roles in helping this fierce little baby girl have the best start possible to her unquestionably valuable life. 
Kevin and I are trying to have a restful and thankful weekend, since we have been running pretty hard.  We are down to no nursing at home, but hopefully we will find the right for soon! 😬, so we need to bulk up our sleep reserves!  We were just reminiscing on the couple month blip in time that we spent out in Omaha, and just what a blessing it was to be able to be there in their NICU... and also what a blessing it was to be able to leave before the snow showed up! 🥶☃️
Something else to be thankful for is the new friends and mentors we have found because we are now connected to other parents by our experiences of having a child with Trisomy 18(or 13!)  I had been following the life adventures of a toddler named Lillian, since her mom's post about her wonderful daughter was one of the first positive pieces of info about T18 that I found online, after reading a bunch of disheartening info.  Lillian's mom also has a shop online and makes the cutest clothes, like this pumpkin spice outfit that Annelise is wearing!  She named a line of new burp cloths after Annelise in her store with a little note telling people about our girl🥰
We have a lot to be grateful for, and we are doing our best to live like we know it! 
I also have to recognize where our blessings come from.  God has held us, provided for us in every way imaginable and in some ways we couldn't even have imagined.  My favorite bonus from having Annelise is the new level of relationship that I have with our creator because of her existence. 
I've heard that when things get tough, is when you really find out who your friends are.  Can I just say how good, great, amazing it feels to have had nothing but support from our friends, and their kids even?  My heart is held together sometimes with the support of our family and friends.❤
Now... that takes care of the things that make our little family's bubble amazing... the thing I am needing to work on most is being able to share my blessing with other people.  I have little to no actual desire to have nursing staff in our home.  Guys, finding a nurse is exactly like dating.  Have I said that before?  It keeps being more true.... and I did not enjoy dating!  Did you know me in that season of life?  Remember?  I like knowing people and already having the relationship.... finding a nurse that fits is hard and can be emotionally draining.  I find myself building more character through this process... but I don't really want any more character! 😆

The prayer requests for us are:
Annelise's tummy issues that continue to bother her.  Air bubbles need to chill out!  She really struggles to do crunches in order to get them out :( I was able to write this long post because she fiiiiiinally went to sleep for more that 20 minutes since 2am, and she is laying on there's no way I'm moving!!
I am doing well on the soy free and dairy free diet, but could use some prayer in letting go of some control over Annelise's care.  I don't think I need to give the control to a nurse as much as I just need to give it to God.
Kevin could use some God given energy to make it through a work day and also nights at home with no nursing.
Continued thankfulness that no cold bugs have come into the house, and asking the Lord to keep the germs out for as long as possible while she grows bigger.

I hope you all are looking forward to quality time with family or friends this week.  We are going to stay home from the actual feasting.... to avoid taking Annelise out, but we hope to connect with family when not surrounded by food I can't eat 😝😆

Thankful for you, who pray for us and keep up with Annelise updates!❤❤❤

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