Annelise Faith

Annelise Faith

Saturday, November 9, 2019

11/8 - a week of appointments complete!

My brain is a bit mushy from the week of doctors appointments.  Leaving our safe space daily, doing new things and meeting with new specialists, while not sleeping much and trying to figure out how to stick to the glimpse of a schedule that we have while being out for large chunks of the day... has left me a little empty. I know it will get better and easier with time.  I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job letting myself be okay with this phase, even though I'm not anywhere near where I want to be as far ask skills and organization level.  I am practicing, and each trip has gone a little more smoothly than the one before.  We have had a lot of incredible help with prepared meals, texts and calls to check in, and rides to important appointments.💖 I don't know what we'd do without our church family, family family, and friend family🥰😁
Monday we met with the pulmonologist. Kevin took the morning off so we could go together.
Tuesday our friend Patsy was so kind to drive us to Annelise's kidney ultrasound and urology appt.
Wednesday we hung out with our dear friend Jeanie who gave up her afternoon to drive us to the ENT.
Thursday our sweet overnight nurse extended her shift to go with us to the GI doctor.
Friday the same nurse came with us to the cardiologist.
I definitely don't have enough in me to explain details, but Annelise is doing well, and the plans are for some type of hearing aide/device in the future, keeping an eye on....pretty much everything for her! And possibly switching to dairy free, and if that doesn't help her tummy...dairy free and soy free diet.  That would be for me too since I'm still pumping. 
Praying for her poop!  I guess that's parenting in real life, right?
Happy weekend to all!

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