Annelise Faith

Annelise Faith

Saturday, November 2, 2019

November 2

God has provided just what we need, in salvation first, the way He steps into our lives in seen and unseen ways, and then in the way His people care for us too! We found a new home for Tiffany the cat.  I'm so sad to see her go, but so happy and grateful that our friend Jen Pierce offered to take her.  Tiffany lived with her for a few months once before when she was a much younger kitty!  I loved getting updates on how she was doing back then, and she was so well taken care of.  I'm sure she'll remember her, and enjoy new cat adventures in Arizona!  I already miss her, but know that this was the only decision to make to move the allergens away from Annelise.
The timing is perfect for Kevin to take a drive out there this weekend, because my parents are on their way down to visit for the weekend.
We will miss Kevin, but are excited for him to get to see our friends for a night, and then see him tomorrow❤️
Annelise is doing well at home, with a few tummy troubles lately.  Her goobers haven't gotten worse, thank you Jesus! Praying for those muscles to get tone in them all around her baby body!  The baby body is growing, she's nearly 10 lbs now! 😍😁🥳
Have a great weekend!

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