Annelise Faith

Annelise Faith

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Baby fever. Not the cute kind

We're hanging out on the edge of a baby fever today, unfortunately.
Not that anyone would ever say it's a good time to be sick, but Annelise has enough going on with withdrawals from her sedation drugs, and the chest tube that isn't slowing down on drainage from her pleural effusion... we do not welcome a fever.
They'll check her blood to see if anything is off there.  Meanwhile, Kevin and I are sitting with her and rubbing her little forehead to try and keep her comfortable with all that's going on in her environment.
The ups and down keep coming! There really is no more accurate analogy for the NICU than a roller coaster.  Even after changing everything about her airway by getting the trach... the alarms have stopped ringing on her monitors... but her temp is now on the rise. The challenges just morph into different problems.
I'm getting a lot out of the practice of using my words to give God what is already His, and start with Annelise's head and move down to her toes, letting go of control over all parts of her body, including the fluid that is leaving her body via the chest tube.
I also love the way God is using the mom friends I'm making here to make sure I feel how  He loves me.  We share via text things that are on our hearts, and the theme for yesterday and today seems to be living in the power of God's love when anxieties try to invade our space.  I'll post an amazing new song that was shared at the bottom of this post.  It's powerful to see the verse that talks about God giving peace that surpasses understanding (Phillipians 4:7) being played out in real life.  On their own, none of these moms has a reason to have so much peace that it overflows so that they want to share it with others.  But because of who God is, was, and will be in the future, even during these ridiculously intense days, we can experience peace in knowing we are loved and seen wherever we are at.
We're thanking the Lord for this day with Annelise, our miracle baby!  We're praying that we can give an update very soon that says she's doing so much better.  You don't need pictures of a grumpy baby that doesn't feel good, so I'll share the cutest pics that I took last night of her smiley self 💞💗💖💞
Please join us in praying for fever and any possible infection to stay away from Annelise, so that she can stick to the business of weaning from her meds and healing from the chylothorax.
Thank you!💖

Song link

  • Great news!  Her bloodwork came back with no signs of infection, and they gave her a bit of the drug that they had been weaning her from today, and her withdrawal symptoms decreased, and temp returned to normal.  I'd much rather have the bummer of having to wean off meds more slowly, than have the bummer of dealing with getting sick from a bug or infection!

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