Annelise Faith

Annelise Faith

Sunday, December 15, 2019

12/15 dehydration and Central Line procedure

PICU update.  Annelise isn't absorbing her nutrients appropriately.  Apparently it's common for your tummy to slow down when there is infection in your body... so they think that's what's going on with our little lovie.
As she gets more dehydrated, it is becoming more impossible to put an IV in.  She has been poked with no success.  Luckily, the folks here are careful to look carefully for a vein they think will be useful, and not just stick her a bunch of times.... but even the amazing lady doctor that everyone obviously respects for her IV skills, said she's done looking. It has been a rough afternoon.
The attending is going to try to place a central line, which is very invasive, to get some fluids in her before things go bad.  That's happening right now.  Please pray that Annelise will have a good transition to the ventilator and sedative meds they will put her on, and come off of them amazingly too.  Asking the Lord for a successful procedure, for lots of smarts for everyone involved in her care, and for our hearts too.

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