Annelise Faith

Annelise Faith

Monday, December 30, 2019

12/30/19 - A very full birthday for mom

It has been a busy couple of days.  My parents came to visit, and my body decided that if I wasn't going to sleep on my own, it would just turn narcoleptic whenever I sat down.  😴
So I caught up on some sleep, and got to say hi to my aunt Claudia and uncle Tom... but then slept right through their visit... I heard our nurse really liked talking to them! I missed it all😆
Last night, I repositioned Annelise in her bed, and the site where her drainage tube comes out started bleeding!  I called Kevin to come back to the hospital.  They ended up changing the dressing and it looked like nothing more major was wrong.  Kevin stayed up with her while another nap took me and I slept. 
Somewhere between last night and this morning, Kevin made me birthday cupcakes🧁I got birthday coffee delivered by our amazing friend Claire,☕ and the palliative care NP whom we love, and our new friend from the Child Life department here, who we found out goes to our church too! Brought gifts for me!
It felt like Jesus wrangled someone His peeps together in order to give me a great birthday.  I don't know the hospital people super well, but their gifts were spot on and so thoughtful❤
Annelise was bright eyed this morning, but in the afternoon, she had to get a PICC line placed, so they can take the central line out. She will still be able to get blood drawn for labs, and medications given through this line.  She had one in Omaha, but it was in her leg.  This one is in her arm, which I don't like, because she loves to bend her arms, but can't really with all the tape on her now.  After they placed the PICC, the xray showed that it was in too far, so they are moving it back now.  This procedure has not turned out best case scenario... she has to have all that new tape taken off of her skin, she had two dressing changes the night before... poor girl is being bothered regularly :(  I can't wait to hold her, hopefully tonight!  That will be a great end to a birthday for the books.
Last birthday, I didn't know if I would get to hold my baby ever... so even though we are in the hospital, I can't shake the joy I get just looking in her beautiful eyes!
We finished the evening with dairy/soy/gluten free pizza and HGTV.  I was with my favorite people, and felt loved and cared for with messages and songs from my family and friends.  Despite life circumstances being so intense these days, my soul is the happiest that it has been.  Getting super old isn't so bad 🥰

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