Annelise Faith

Annelise Faith

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Annelise was all smiles this afternoon after being up until 4am the night before with tummy pain.  I've been on the soy free and dairy free diet for a couple weeks now... but it seems like she is doing better on straight formula, rather than breast milk and formula ☹ We'll give it some more time.  I was able to talk to the GI's nurse, but not the actual doctor yet...
I love the smiles though!! She seemed so interactive this evening.  Perhaps since we have weaned her off of the original seizure medication that she was on?  We said goodbye to phenobarbital on Monday.  Still no observable seizures, and one less medication, hooray!
We had a good appointment with a geneticist this morning.  We still don't have nursing, but need someone to always ride in the back seat with Annelise in the car, so we were lucky enough to get to spend the morning driving around with our gracious and giving friend Claire!
At the appointment, the geneticist was prepared with information about Trisomy 18, and she had tried her best to get the most up to date info.  She found an article that went system by system of the body describing common issues to be aware of... instead of lumping every problem that Annelise may have into a vague "due to T18".  This is how we have always tried to approach Annelise's health care.  We talk to specialists about Annelise's specific health issues... not about how to treat her T18.  I was so exhausted that I can't remember exactly what she said... but it was encouraging, I remember that!
Kevin still has a cough 😷☹  He went to work today and was able to be productive.  Praying tomorrow will find him feeling even better!
Annelsie and I are so lucky to have him❤

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