Annelise Faith

Annelise Faith

Saturday, December 28, 2019

12/27 Surgery tomorrow

Well, it isn't great news.  The cerebrospinal fluid that the neurosurgeon collected this afternoon came back from the lab positive for bacteria.  They don't know exactly what kind of bacteria it is.  That will take more time for the lab to find out, but the treatment is the same no matter what kind it is... take the shunt out.  She needs the shunt though to keep from having too much CSF, so they will "externalize the shunt" tomorrow.  Basically, a tube will run from the ventricles in her brain, outside of her body to a little bag.  She will stay in the hospital like this until the infection is gone, and then they will put a new shunt in.
Our amazing neurosurgeons in Omaha prepared us for "when" and not "if" her shunt failed and we would have to get a new one... we thought we were out of the woods for infection though...we had escaped infection for so long, it's kinda weird to be getting one now.  But that's where we are.  We are so grateful that if this had to happen, it happened in the hospital.  The timing was such that she was able to have pretty much immediate attention placed on that fever.  So happy our team here discovered the source of the infection, so we can get it taken care of.
Now comes the part where we have to watch Annelise go through another surgery.  On paper, there's the plan of's simple, take shunt out, get rid of infection, put new shunt real life... it adds up to hours and hours of recovery, not being able to hold and cuddle with her, seeing her in pain while her body heals, not seeing the sweet expressions she gives when she's feeling good.
Kevin and I got to hold Annelise for a long time today.  I just tried to memorize the moment while she's feeling good, making eye contact, and loving her life.  Those are the moments that we work so hard for.

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